Monday, May 23, 2011


At church this weekend my wife and I (and three friends) celebrated our confirmation. It was a really great service. We have such wonderful leaders in the Diocese of Qu'Applle. Our priest, Fr. Allen Doerksen, has been such a formative influence for my wife and I throughout these past 12 months of exploration. And this area is very fortunate to have the very wise (and hilarious) Bishop Gregory at the helm.

It's interesting that after growing up in free-church traditions, such as Mennonite Brethren and Christian & Missionary Alliance, I've really come to feel at home in an Anglican context. Liturgy has a way of gluing itself to your bones. Once it's in you, it's there to stay.

A few funny moments from the morning:

At our rehearsal before the service, we were up at the front, reading through the confirmation liturgy with the Bishop, and I realized I had accidentally turned to the "Ordination of Bishops" section. Woops! A little ahead of myself... I got that straightened out before "showtime"...

Also, after the service concluded, a sweet old lady came over to me, shook my hand and said, "Welcome to the club!" I love old people! They are an inspiring bunch, those who have remained committed to their faith for almost as many decades as there are seasons of Smallville! What better "club" to be part of than one full of these kinds of folks!

During the Bishop's sermon, he noted that "the Church is always one generation away from extinction." One elderly man told us, "It can be discouraging to imagine what will become of the church in the next generation, but when I see young people like you doing this [becoming confirmed], I'm filled with hope."

I doubt I'll ever sign up for ordained ministry, but I'm definitely in for the lay-person long-haul. I'm excited by the need for leadership in the church today, and the great challenges that are sure to come.

It's a good day to be Anglican!

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